Calgary Fandom

A collected history


About the author

I'm an Aurora Award-nominated fan from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

I was Managing Editor at Red Deer Press for two years, from 2005-2007.

I was Con Chair for Con-Version 23 in 2007. I was also programming chair for Con-Version 25 in 2009.

I was on the bid committee for Westercon 58. I was an early member of the When Words Collide committee. We even paid for the domain name for nearly ten years, but my beloved Don won't submit the receipts for reimbursement because he used a fancy European registrar instead of a cheaper local one.

(You can ask him the history of his battle with Internic one day and why he tries to avoid US registrars.)

Only time I've ever been a presenter at an SF convention was when I put myself on a BSG panel. So while I did well, it doesn't really count.

Clearly website design is not my forte.